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Transform your business with our IT services

Revolutionize your business with our expert IT services. We offer customized solutions for software development.

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10+ App Build in last 3 years

We offer Application development services to assist you in building world-class custom websites, Android/IOS mobile application etc

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we specialize in crafting state-of-the-art crypto wallet apps, NFT marketplaces, smart contracts, crypto tokens, and innovative blockchain solutions.

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4+ ML Models Build in 3 years.

We have worked in Audio, NLP, Predictive and Computer Vision Modeling to deliver high performance AI/ML models.

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Neolen excels in AR/VR and Metaverse projects, providing expert 3D design and modeling for immersive experiences across devices and technologies.

Our Product To Market Success Lean Strategy

We dont just build software products, We engineer them for market success.

For More than 5 Years, We have created over 20 projects for startups like yours, iterating to achieve perfect product-market fit. We know what it takes to build a successful product and we are here to help you achieve your goals.


Define Vision and Hypotheses

Every successful startup begins with a clear and compelling vision. At Neolen, we start by helping you articulate this vision and mission, ensuring it aligns with your ultimate goals. We then formulate key hypotheses about your business model, covering essential assumptions about customer needs, desired product features, target market demographics, and potential revenue streams. By defining these elements upfront, we create a focused and strategic foundation, minimizing risks and maximizing your startup’s potential for success.


Build and Launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a cornerstone of our Lean Startup methodology. We identify the core features that address your primary problem and develop the simplest version of your product that delivers value. Using rapid prototyping, we quickly build and launch this initial version for real-world testing. This approach accelerates development and provides crucial user feedback, validating the product concept before significant resources are committed to full-scale development.


Measure and Gather Feedback

Once the MVP is launched, we set specific metrics to evaluate its performance, focusing on user engagement, retention, and conversion rates. We collect ongoing feedback through surveys, interviews, and user testing to understand how your product is received. By analyzing this data, we validate our initial hypotheses or identify areas needing adjustment. This continuous feedback loop is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring we are on the right track.


Iterate and Improve

Based on the feedback and data collected, we decide whether to pivot or persevere. If significant changes are needed, we pivot by making fundamental adjustments to the product or business model. If the core concept is validated, we persevere by refining and improving the existing product. This iterative process involves making incremental changes and testing them quickly with users. Our continuous integration and deployment practices ensure each update is thoroughly tested and efficiently released. This cycle of building, measuring, and learning allows us to adapt swiftly and continuously enhance your product.


Optimize and Scale

With a validated product, we shift focus to optimization and scaling. We conduct A/B testing and cohort analysis to fine-tune features and strategies, maximizing user engagement and satisfaction. Monitoring key metrics like Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Lifetime Value (LTV) ensures sustainable growth. Engaging with your user community becomes a priority, driving organic growth and providing ongoing insights. This phase is about scaling your product while maintaining quality and user satisfaction, setting the stage for long-term success.
At Neolen, our Lean Strategy is designed to turn your ideas into market-ready products with maximum efficiency and impact.


Our Case Studies

Your success is our success! So we're proud to share with you these case stories and media mentions recognising our clients in their industries.

Worked with fast growing startups and partners

client’s say
about us


I love Neolen. I would also like to say thanks to all your staff. Thanks for the great journey, it was amazing collaborating wwith you guys.


Karan Oberoi


Neolen's team provided us with exceptional IT support for our business. Their quick response times and technical expertise made all the difference for us. Highly recommend!


Mrunalini Khusape


I have been working with Neolen for over a year now and I am extremely satisfied with their service.


Harienderpreet Singh

Listen Monster

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    12:30 pm - 4:45 pm IST